The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Friday, February 10, 2006
CNN lies again
CNN headline -- "Libby: My 'superiors' authorized leaks", obviously referring to the "outing" of Valerie Plame, insinuating that the whole affair is a Bush Administration plot after all.

OK then, how can a "leak" be authorized? A "leak" is by definition an unauthorized transmission of information.

The only evidence offered:
"In a letter to Libby's lawyers, obtained by CNN, special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said it is his understanding that Libby testified he was "authorized to disclose information about the National Intelligence Estimate to the press by his superiors."

The NIE? That has absolutely zero to do with the Valerie Plame affair. It's a total non-sequitor.

And this is just flat wrong:
Plame is the wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who was sent by the CIA to the African nation of Niger to check out an intelligence report that nuclear material was being sold to Iraq.

Actually the CIA sent him, at the request of his wife, to look into reports that Iraq sought to buy yellowcake uranium, which he in fact confirmed.

Hello, CNN? Are you stupid, corrupt, biased, incompetant, or all of the above? No wonder so many Americans believe things that aren't true.
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