The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Friday, June 23, 2006
Rumsfeld confirms WMD found
At Powerline,
QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, there has been a lot made on Capitol Hill about these chemical weapons that were found and may be quite old. But do you have a real concern of these weapons from Saddam's past perhaps having an impact on U.S. troops who are on the ground in Iraq right now?
RUMSFELD : Certainly. What has been announced is accurate, that there have been hundreds of canisters or weapons of various types found that either currently have sarin in them or had sarin in them, and sarin is dangerous. And it's dangerous to our forces, and it's a concern.

So obviously, to the extent we can locate these and destroy them, it is important that we do so. And they are dangerous. Anyone -- I'm sure General Casey or anyone else in that country would be concerned if they got in the wrong hands.

They are weapons of mass destruction. They are harmful to human beings. And they have been found. And that had not been by Saddam Hussein, as he inaccurately alleged that he had reported all of his weapons . And they are still being found and discovered.
I guess Bush didn't "lie" after all. I expect apologies to be forthcoming.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Interrogations for Terror Plot "going nowhere"
The Ron Suskind story in Time on a plot to use poison gas in the NYC subways notes that “the interrogations of suspects” with knowledge of the planned terrorists attack “were going nowhere.”

And of course, there was no possibility of increasing the intensity of those interrogations – short of torture to be sure but including sufficient “stress and duress” to achieve results.

No, we’ve ruled that out as unacceptably “degrading.” If that means plots like this one will sometimes be successful and Americans will be slaughtered on the A Train … well, that’s the choice we’ve made, isn’t it?

And of course the New York Times, the U.N., and Amnesty International want to close Gitmo and release any enemy combatants who haven’t committed crimes that can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in an American courtroom.

Meanwhile, the thrust of the debate is over whether “first responders” have sufficient resources to clean up the carnage afterwards. How reassuring.
Maybe if we asked the nice terrorists, "pretty please with sugar on top?"
Friday, June 09, 2006
Iraqi's React to Zarqawi's Death
Most Iraqi's, being human beings, rejoiced at the death of the animal Zarqawi, whose favorite past-time seemed to be slowly sawing off the heads of living people:
"When my young son came and brought me the good news, I did not know what to do out of joy," Eqabbi said of Zarqawi's death. "I took my motorcycle and went to the traffic police sector over here where I work. I was shouting in the street and could see the people in the street with joy on their faces, for each family here has lost someone because of this guy. We thank God for what happened to him."

Back at Madhloom's restaurant, Sawsan Abdul Qadir, a nurse, reflected on losing his own brother in another car bombing. "He was a father of three kids," he said.

When Abdul Qadir heard about Zarqawi's death, he called his brother's wife. "She was so happy, and she told me, 'The Americans got revenge for my husband. I feel just like they brought him back alive for me.' Her oldest son was saying, 'They killed my father's killer.'

"Today, I forget all the sadness of losing my brother."

Still this quote from a Sunni is telling:

"Zarqawi was the one who put a limit to Shiite influence and all the killing of Sunnis," said Saad Saleem, a 32-year-old laborer. "It is a big loss. Who will fight the Americans the way he used to fight them? They were ready to leave the country because of his operations. Now there will be no one like him who will be able to push the Americans to leave Iraq. There will be no one to stop the Iranian Shiites. Al-Qaeda must look for a good replacement for Zarqawi. Otherwise the Sunnis will lose everything in Iraq."

"Ready to leave"? Where would he get that idea? Maybe from America's opposition party and reporting of opinion polls of Americans fatigued by daily media reports of inconsequential (to a strategic victory) violence.

Here is clear evidence, albeit anecdotal, that our media and our anti-war politicians are perpetuating the idea that America is about to withdraw from Iraq, and thereby encouraging the resisntence in Iraq.

And then the same people blame Bush for not having an effective war plan, when, it is my hypothesis, that if the hysterical critics were not actively creating a divided America, we would have succeeded in Iraq long ago.
The Great Haditha Hoax?
The American Thinker has a piece casting some doubt on the accuracy of the reports of a "massacre" in Haditha, going so far as to call it a hoax. In particular, Clarice Feldman notes many inconsistencies in the stories, and that all of the "reporters" involved have well-documented anti-American sentiment, and that the few military "witnesses" weren't even there and/or had axes to grind.

Now I really don't know how much of this is true and how much of the media reports are true. And neither do you. And neither does Time magazine, Newsweek, Rep. Murtha or the Democratic party.

That's why we usually an investigation before we decide what happened and who is guilty of what.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
When will we Support the Troops?
I'm sure self-righteous, smug Michael Duffy and Time magazine would say they Support the Troops.

Though this doesn't prevent them from declaring them Guilty until proven innocent in their disgusting "expose" on the alleged "massacre" at Haditha: "The Shame of Kilo Company." With a headline like that, I guess we may as well cancel the investigation -- Time magazine has already decide the outcome and is using their sensationalist, Micahel Moore-esque reporting to impugn the valiant effort of all of our brave soldiers, and slander America in the eyes of the world.

Michael Yon responds:
In the absence of clear facts, most people know that a rush to judgment serves no one. What word, then, properly characterizes the recent media coverage of Haditha, when analysis stretches beyond shotgun conclusions to actually attributing motive and assigning blame? No rational process supports a statement like: “We don’t know what happened, but we know why it happened and whose fault it is.”

Yon, who has actually observed action on the front lines in Iraq puts this in the proper context: Brave, real-life Americans are dying in order not to put Iraqi civilians in danger. For example, Sgt Ben Morton whose wife Elaina later committed suicide:
On many missions when I tagged along, the commander would say things like, “Be careful about throwing flash-bangs [grenades without fragments] into rooms. Don’t throw them unless you really have to. Practically every Iraqi house has children, and flash-bangs can kill the small kids.”

There was hot intelligence that some terrorists were in a certain location. I watched part of the mission unfold from the TOC, but had left before Recon platoon hit the house. SGT Ben Morton from Wright, Kansas, who lived just next to me in Mosul, was a fine soldier, a highly respected young man who earned two Bronze Stars with V (for valor) and a purple heart. Ben’s Recon platoon was conducting the hasty raid in Mosul. The intelligence was correct.

Ben was the first up the stairs, and he took four bullets. Only then did his buddies throw flash-bangs and eventually shot down the terrorist who killed Ben. All the Iraqi kids were fine. But Ben Morton died. Soldiers cried that night.
How is that for context, Michael Duffy. Reporting like yours changes the political equations, and gets soldiers like Sgt Morton killed.

But I know, you support the troops. I'm sure you're proud of yourself.
Monday, June 05, 2006
RFK Jr is a Liar
Rolling Stone published an article by RFK Jr claiming to prove that Bush stole the 2004 Election. At first glance, it seems quite persuasive -- RFK Jr finds hundreds of thousands of Kerry votes that went missing from the final tally.

Sadly for RFK Jr, it's just not true. The "analysis" is a conglomeration of misrepresentations, misquotes, mistakes and opinions of partisan "experts". Farhad Majoo debunks it here.

Granting RFK Jr the benefit of the doubt, we could say he's simply led astray by his own partisan zeal. But Mr. Manjoo's debunking makes it clear that RFK Jr.'s "mistakes" are intentional.
The first salient omission comes in paragraph 5, when Kennedy writes, "In what may be the single most astounding fact from the election, one in every four Ohio citizens who registered to vote in 2004 showed up at the polls only to discover that they were not listed on the rolls, thanks to GOP efforts to stem the unprecedented flood of Democrats eager to cast ballots." To back up that assertion, Kennedy cites "Democracy at Risk," the report the Democrats released last June.

That report does indeed point out that many people -- 26 percent -- who first registered in 2004 did not find their names on the voter rolls at polling places. What Kennedy doesn't say, though, is that the same study found no significant difference in the share of Kerry voters and Bush voters who came to the polls and didn't find their names listed. The Democrats' report says that 4.2 percent of Kerry voters were forced to cast a "provisional" ballot and that 4.1 percent of Bush voters were made to do the same -- a stat that lowers the heat on Kennedy's claim of "astounding" partisanship.
Such intentional mistakes makes him a liar. A Liar.

If the parties were reversed, particularly when our country is at war, I would find such an argument by a eminent Republican in an international publication disgusting, and I would expect Republican leadership to state clearly that they find no merit in such an argument. (As they clearly denounced Trent Lott's comments at Strom Thurmond's tribute.)

But I won't be holding my breath waiting for such from our Democratic party, that is more interested in falsely undermining our President (and by extension, our country) than in laying out positive reasons why they should be in charge.

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