The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Thursday, April 21, 2005
France supports War!
It took long enough, but France has finally come around to the idea of pre-emptive war. But it seems they have limits -- you see, they don't support wars to overthrow inhuman murderous tyrant to install a democracy, but they do support a war to overthrow a democracy to install a tyranny:
During a state visit to China, French Premier Raffarin threw support behind a law allowing China to attack Taiwan and continued to push for a lift of the EU arms embargo.

At the outset of a three-day visit to China, French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin said he supported Beijing's "anti-secession" law on Taiwan, and vowed to keep pushing for an end to an EU arms embargo that could open the door for Paris to sell weapons to the Asian giant.
Just when I thought I couldn't be more disgusted by the behavior of the French government. Can we finally stop referring to the French as "our allies"? They are not friends to the Free World. I don't think they are necessarily anti-democratic (though we'll see if they attempt to jam the French people with the new EU Consitution without popular ratification). But I do think they can be bought on the cheap, first by Saddam and now by China:
Raffarin also signed or finalized major business deals with Beijing valued at around $3.2 billion (2.4 billion euros).
To find the French, follow the money. When you get there, you may even find the Canadians and the UN.
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