The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Friday, April 01, 2005
Bergergate Roundup
Gratefully many bloggers are as outraged as I am: Captain Ed, Instapundit, INDC Journal, Powerline and The Corner. Bloggers unite! We cannot let them get away with this whitewash!

And Balloon Juice takes us back thru the history and reminds us of Bill Clinton's rather weak attempt to downplay the controversy.
Former president Bill Clinton defends his embattled national security advisor as a man who "always got things right," even if his desk was a mess.

"We were all laughing about it," Clinton said about the investigation into Sandy Berger for taking classified terrorism documents from the National Archives. "People who don't know him might find it hard to believe. But ... all of us who've been in his office have always found him buried beneath papers."
Does this implicate Bill in the cover-up? Or did he really, honestly believe pilfering and destroying confidential documents from the National Archives is funny? I hope not, but I wouldn't be suprised if he did.

And a great comment for those who think there is still some chance the destruction of documents wasn't a premeditated cover-up:
"The ambiguity is did he steal the documents in order to cover something up, or did he take them home for legitimate reasons, albeit a criminal action since they were classified, and for whatever reason destroy two and lie about it? The first is pretty damn serious. The second isn't, except for Sandy Berger, although his sentence seems to be pretty light."

Well, duh!! Since he purposfully destroyed 3 'copies' instead of just taking them back....they must have had some comments written on them - otherwise you are asking us to believe that he comitted, what he knew to be a crime as National Security Advisor, a crime for nothing???? Does this even make sense to you?

Nixon didn't erase those 8 minutes off of the tape because they weren't important and Berger didn't shred these documents because they were just belive [sic] that is just ridiculous!

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