The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Sunday, March 20, 2005
Winning the unwinnable
Is America winning the war in Iraq? Recent signs seem to point that way.
The top Marine officer in Iraq said Friday that the number of attacks against American troops in Sunni-dominated western Iraq and death tolls had dropped sharply over the last four months, a development that he called evidence that the insurgency was weakening in one of the most violent areas of the country.

The officer, Lt. Gen. John F. Sattler, head of the First Marine Expeditionary Force, said that insurgents were averaging about 10 attacks a day, and that fewer than two of those attacks killed or wounded American forces or damaged equipment. That compared with 25 attacks a day, five of them with casualties or damage, in the weeks leading up to the pivotal battle of Falluja in November, he said...
This is rather unexpected, because I'm pretty sure that our own media and our ever-patriotic Democratic party has been telling us for two years that this war is unwinnable. (And at the same time encouraging the inhuman resistance in Iraq to keep fighting and killing our soldiers. But I know, they "Support the Troops!")
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