The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Rather Biased?
Paul Mirengoff applies standard courtroom practices to determine if CBS News was politically biased in RatherGate:
THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW PANEL which investigated CBS News's faked memos found no basis to accuse Dan Rather or Mary Mapes of political bias in connection with their roles in the offending 60 Minutes story about President Bush's National Guard service. In its report the Panel characterized the very question of whether a political agenda could play a role as "subjective" and "difficult." And panelist Louis Boccardi later explained that "bias is a hard thing to prove."

Yet questions about motivation lie at the heart of many garden-variety legal disputes, most notably cases involving issues of unlawful discrimination under various civil rights statutes. Recognizing that very few employment decision-makers will admit to bias, the Supreme Court quickly developed a construct for inferring the existence of bias through "indirect" evidence. Proving bias thus became no more difficult than proving other allegations of fact, a state of affairs consistent with Chief Justice Rehnquist's comment that the state of one's mind is just as much a factual issue as the state of one's digestion.
Verdict: Guilty as charged!
I'm not sure what the point of investigating the bias was to begin with. Determing bias will always be subjective unless you are investigating someone so stupid that they documented it.

The disturbing part of the quote for me was this, "Recognizing that very few employment decision-makers will admit to bias, the Supreme Court quickly developed a construct for inferring the existence of bias through "indirect" evidence." The Supreme Court should have ruled the law vague and unenforceable so that the Congress could create the construct. When are we going to get back the principle that Justices are bound by the rule of law and not creators of it?
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