The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Thursday, October 14, 2004
With Bias Aforethought
In case you missed this, ABC News Political Director Mark Halperin was caught ordering his reporters to show more pro-Kerry bias:
The New York Times (Nagourney/Stevenson) and Howard Fineman on the web both make the same point today: the current Bush attacks on Kerry involve distortions and taking things out of context in a way that goes beyond what Kerry has done.

Kerry distorts, takes out of context, and mistakes all the time, but these are not central to his efforts to win.

We have a responsibility to hold both sides accountable to the public interest, but that doesn't mean we reflexively and artificially hold both sides "equally" accountable when the facts don't warrant that.

I'm sure many of you have this week felt the stepped up Bush efforts to complain about our coverage. This is all part of their efforts to get away with as much as possible with the stepped up, renewed efforts to win the election by destroying Senator Kerry at least partly through distortions.

It's up to Kerry to defend himself, of course. But as one of the few news organizations with the skill and strength to help voters evaluate what the candidates are saying to serve the public interest. Now is the time for all of us to step up and do that right.
Readers, if you haven't figured this out yet, let me tell you now: If you are still only getting your "news" from the traditional sources, you are not getting the whole truth.

And this includes your local newspapers, which often just cut-and-paste stories from the AP, New York Times, Reuters, etc.

Time to expand your horizons! For starters:
Oh, That Liberal Media!
Washington Times
The Corner

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