The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Monday, September 06, 2004
That Liberal Media
In March, USA Today reported that the most Americans do not trust the media.
Public confidence in the media, already low, continues to slip. Only 36%, among the lowest in years, believe news organizations get the facts straight, a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows.

Trust in the media has dropped from 54% in mid-1989 — about the time of the fall of communism — to a low of 32% in December 2000, during the post-election confusion over George W. Bush and Al Gore.

Here are three examples from just the last week that might explain why:
  1. The AP reported that Arnold lied when he spoke all that stuff about suffering Soviet oppression and socialist economics growing up in Austria. Surprise: turns out, the AP lied.
  2. The AP seems to have misrepresented what happened at a Bush rally, when Bush asked for prayers for President Clinton. Witnesses say there was applause, not boos. And Drudge has the audio to prove it. And now the AP seems to be covering its tracks.
  3. The AP spins an unfortunate campaign appearance for Kerry almost as if it didn't happen.
And I still haven't seen CNN report that Bush appears to have opened up a double-digit lead on Kerry. Somehow I think if the roles were reversed, that story might be featured here.

All I can say, is thank God for the internet.
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