The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Friday, September 03, 2004
It's the Economy, Stupid!
The national unemployment rate now stands at 5.4%, the same level at which it was in 1996 when Bill Clinton was reelected, and at which time it is seen as unthinkable that he could have been unseated by Bob Dole.

But while Clinton inherited the rebound from the first President Bush, he passed along a bursting economic bubble to the second President Bush. If that weren't bad enough, we have suffered through 9/11, corporate scandals, war and near-record oil prices, each of which has cost the US economy tens of billions of dollars.

At one time there were those who called Bush's economic plan "reckless", but now it seems clear that Bush's tax cuts have injected much needed cash into our economy, and his economic plan looks to be a miraculous success, given where we've been.

So congratulations to President Bush and the American people for keeping America working!

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