The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Compare and Contrast
Here is the transcript from the 60 Minutes interview of Bush-critic Barnes. I love this softball:
I want to ask you to go back and tell me the story. Tell me the whole story. Tell me the truth, the whole truth about what happened with George W. Bush and the draft and the National Guard. Start at the beginning. Take me right through it.

Dan might have bothered to ask some of these questions from a recent Lisa Meyers interview:
You're absolutely certain? 36 years later?

That's a very serious charge. What proof do you have?

What proof do you have...?

But, there's no documentation...

Why speak out now in the heat of a presidential campaign?

Why should we believe you?

Everyone is going to wonder why now? Why come forward in the closing weeks of a presidential campaign. What is your motive?

You said you have contributed to him since you retired from the Navy? How much total?

Why risk tarnishing your own reputation by wading into this morass?

Do you worry that your own reputation could be tarnished by getting involved in this?

Some people will say, ‘Look, you contributed money...' Here it is the closing weeks of a very tight election. That this is all about politics.

But then you only get these sorts of questions when the interviewee is a Kerry critic, decorated retired Admiral William L. Schachte, who btw is not associated with Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

Because of course we all know that if someone is a Bush critic, their memory and their credibility is unquestionable, but if someone is a Kerry critic, their recollections and motives are pure.

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