The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Thursday, August 26, 2004
The Devil we Know
If you think the most important issue in the upcoming election is the War against Islamic Facism, then The Truth Laid Bear eloquently states why you should be voting for Bush in November. He concludes:
Bush is no prize. But he's the devil we know, and a devil who, for all his flaws, takes seriously the threat facing our nation and appears to be trying to do something about it. With Bush, I expect I will have four more years to quibble with and argue about his tactics in the conduct of this war. With Kerry, once the campaign was over, I fear I'd have a difficult time convincing him there was a war at all.
Is that a risk America can afford to take? We are at a time where the cost of complacency will be high. Terrorists are on the run, their ideology is looking like a failure. It is time to finish them off, not a return to Clintonian diplomacy.

It looks like more and more people are coming to this conclusion, as new polls are showing. Some people are even writing John Kerry off.

But as long as Kerry has the media on his side, this is a long way from over. Here's hoping more Americans wake up and understand we cannot afford to switch horses midstream.
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