The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Another Senator (D) Mis-remembers
Update to my post on Senator Harkin's recent comments about Cheney and Bush:

Instapundit follows up on Donald Sensling's recalling Harkin's own false memories. Kerry thought he was in Cambodia, not Vietnam, on Christmas Eve, 1968. Well Senator Harkin ups the ante -- Harkin once claimed that he flew combat missions in Vietnam, when in fact he hadn't even served in Vietnam!

And Iowa still elected him senator!? Iowans must have low standards.

Donald Sensling has some words of wisdom, which helps explain why I find all of this Vietnam boasting unsettling:
How did a political party that last held the White House with a man who admitted he dodged the draft and said he loathed the military, who demonstrated against his own country while living overseas, come to be the party that now trumpets more militarism than any other?

When I was a kid I learned that the only kids who always talked tough were either bullies or were in reality just chicken. The real war heroes I have known hardly ever talked about it and certainly didn't want to be heroic again.

They must be suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome. Or could they be lying. Nah! They are politicians and leaders. They couldn't be lying!
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