The Lone Fortress
*** Defending Truth from Conventional Wisdom ***

Saturday, July 24, 2004
Bergergate IV
Vodkapundit strikes at the heart of why I find the Berger story so unsettling.   At worst, the National Security advisor to the previous Democratic administration walked out with highly-classified, incriminating national security documents with intent to destroy them.  At best, he casually borrowed and then lost them.  Either way, it is not reassuring.  And hardly a person on the Left thinks this is a big deal. 
There's a reason why the media is trying to bury the Berger story as quickly as possible. It's the same reason why all these Democratic spin guys are trying to change the subject in such spluttering tones.

The Berger thefts are a window into the un-seriousness at the core of the Democratic Party where national security is concerned. They dare not let the Great Unwashed realize that simple truth, thus the panicky volume of the spin, and the silence of the anti-Bush press.

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